Import Rules, Regulations, Policies & Procedures
To Import Japan Used Cars In Fiji

Check all the key points related to import rules, regulations, policies, documentations, duties and taxes, inspections, restrictions, shipping ports, etc. which you should keep in mind while importing Used Cars from Japan to Fiji

Used Car Import Rules & Regulations in Fiji


Used Vehicles imported to Fiji are subjected to carry foreign pests and diseases that possess great threat to country’s biodiversity and environment. Thus, it is mandatory to inspect the used vehicle imported Fiji. Importation of only those vehicles is allowed in Fiji, which are free from unwanted pests.

Age Restriction

Normal vehicles (Petrol/Diesel) should be less than 5 years old.
Special vehicles (LPG, CNG, Solar, Electric, Hybrid) should be less than 8 years old.

Age Restriction/Requirements

Importer, while importing a used vehicle should follow the used motor vehicle importation criteria for Fiji.

  • The age criteria for used vehicle importation
  • Used cars, road tractor chiefly designed for the transport of persons, should not be more than five years from the date of manufacture.
  • Used Special Purpose vehicles that perform certain non-transport function consuming any type of fuel and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Solar road tractors designed for the transport of persons, should be less than eight years from the date of manufacture.
  • The year of manufacture should be the production or the manufactured date of the vehicle and not the first registration date.
  • An application should be made to General Manager Customs, together with the relevant documents as follows:
  • Export Certificate (Japanese Original).
  • Export Certificate (English version and certified by relevant authority and not by the importer).
  • Other evidences to confirm the year of manufacture of the used vehicle from the Road Transport Authority (Japan), signed by the authorized signatory.

 Clearance Procedures

Generally, relevant vehicle documents are provided to importers at the time the vehicle is imported. Sometimes Customs brokers assist importers for clearance of vehicles. In case, importers are doing the clearance by themselves, it is advised to make an appointment with local customs office.

Requirements at the time of vehicle delivery

  • Arrange an agricultural clearance for the vehicle through the Quarantine Section of Biosecurity Authority of Fiji.
  • Arrange for a Customs clearance. 

Used Cars Import Duties And Taxes In Fiji 

  • Vehicles exceeding 2500 cc but not exceeding 3000 cc are levied $7500 per vehicle.
  • Vehicles exceeding 3000 cc are levied $20,000 per vehicle.
  • Duty rate - 32 percent of the invoice value
  • Excise Duty - 15 percent
  • VAT - 15percent
  • $7 for permission for each trip with an unregistered vehicle to importer’s residence or LTA office.

Used Cars Import Documentation in Fiji

  • The quarantine/agriculture clearance.
  • Passport
  • Invoice receipt showing total price paid and date of purchase.
  • De-registration Certificate.
  • Invoice showing export costs.
  • Invoice showing freight costs and insurance to Fiji.
  • Vehicle registration certificate (original)
  • Bill of Lading (BoL)
  • Odometer reading at time of sale for export to Fiji.
  • Odometer reading at time of importation into Fiji.